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PeMSSA- Australasia

Writer's pictureDr Danny Dissanayake

Wellington 2016 President's Message Dr. Sisira Jayathissa

It is a great pleasure to write this short report on last two years of PeMSAA Australasia. For the first time executive was transferred to New Zealand and this was a great honour. The transition took place in May 2015.

Our committee worked very hard to support PeMSAA and develop its main objective delivering 2016 congress successfully. Activities carried out to promote the congress include, creating a clean email list, reactivating website, regular promotion of conference through international associations including attending PeMSAA USA. In addition we visited Faculty of Medicine to invite the Dean and other academic staff to attend our congress. We also attempted to work with Australian state representatives to motivate alumni to come to NZ with a variable success.

The meeting itself was a success. Main disappointment was the lower than expected delegate attendance in spite of significant efforts. Feedback suggests that meeting was successful in achieving its objectives. It was a great reunion, re-establishing of old and creating new friendships among alumni. It gave a better opportunity plan future meetings. Highlight of the meeting was attendance of number of academic staff from the Faculty of Medicine. I hope this tradition will continue and help us to establish connection between the medical school and alumni.

Due to lower than expected attendance meeting was financially not successful. We made a loss of NZ $810. However, as a result of generosity of alumni we managed to raise $2100.00 which we will donate to PeMSAA parent union. Prof Neelakanthi Ratnatunga has recommended this money to be donated to PeMSAA studentships and current committee unanimously decided to go with that request. Full audited financial report is attached and will be presented to the AGM.

Life memberships have gone up by 4 to 47. I propose NZ$ 400 we collected will remain in PeMSAA Australasia NZ account. It is difficult to open charitable accounts at present in New Zealand and in case if a future meeting to be held in New Zealand this will be useful.

I would like to thank Dr Malini Arumugam and Dr Varman who were always there to provide useful advice. My committee has been great and were very helpful in planning all aspects of organising the meeting. Special thanks also go to Dr Janaka Tennakoon our photographer, band Aruini and Gerard Cabral and those who enacted a great play “Anatha Sarsavi Sisua”.

We wish very best for the upcoming PeMSAA meeting and happy to provide support and advice based on our experiences.

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