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PeMSSA- Australasia

Writer's pictureDr Danny Dissanayake

PeMSAA SL President's Message Professor Thushara Kudagammana

It is my pleasure and privilege to send a message to PeMSAA Australasia on behalf of the Peradeniya Medical School Alumni Association (PeMSAA).Let me first congratulate the newly elected council  on behalf of PeMSAA. PeMSAA Australasia has been a strong supporter in the activities of PeMSAA over the years and is one of the strongest PeMSAA overseas chapters.

The Peradeniya Medical school alumni association was established in the year 1992 and is the first alumni association among the medical schools in the country.  The membership has since spread all over the country and to many parts of the world.  In addition to PeMSAA Australasia, PeMSAA currently has other international chapters including UK, USA and Bhutan.

Our alma mater has made great leaps forward in improved infrastructure facilities and staff development, thanks to the untiring efforts of many alumni and staff including the Deans of the faculty. While continuing the good work of the past council we have planned a series of activities for the next two years that targets the personal wellbeing, academic development and professional training of the students as well as development of the Faculty itself.

PeMSAA has been helping the students with financial constraints with scholarships and bursaries in the past. We will continue these programmes and the bursary scheme already implemented will be strengthened. PeMSAA has also mediated educational loans from national banks for undergraduates to help them along during their final year. We hope this will instill a sense of responsibility about financial obligations into students as well. In addition to acquiring the necessary knowledge and skills, the present-day doctor needs additional help to develop soft skills to function well in society.  PeMSAA has initiated a series of activities to impart these soft skills to the graduate.

University students need and indeed thrive in a pleasant and relaxing environment. I, along with my committee will try our best to help the faculty maintain and develop its physical environment to promote learning.  We will also help the Dean and the faculty in maintaining already built student areas in good condition so that new students will be able to utilize these new facilities and leisure areas at their best. All these activities will be done with student participation, as we strive to enrich our student’s bond to the faculty.

The PeMSAA online evening lecture series that was run when the country was under lockdown was a huge success. Titled ‘Alumni lending a helping hand’, this lecture series had topics of discussion decided by the students and was conducted by academic staff as well as other alumni. The feedback from the students and the resource persons was excellent. Another series “ PeMSAA case based discussions”  is underway.

PeMSAA will continue to help alumni when they are in need. We will try to harness as yet untapped support and focus these resources towards the betterment of the faculty and the students. We plan to maintain and improve collaborative ties with overseas chapters including PeMSAA Australasia in order to achieve our common goals. We welcome your active participation and contribution.

I am excited to extend greetings to the PeMSAA Australasia and look forward to close and fruitful ties with our sister organization. I’m sure that together, we will help the faculty and the alumni, both young and not quite as young, achieve their highest goals, with a sense of community and camaraderie reminiscent of our faculty days.

Long live our faculty and PeMSAA..

MBBS, MD, DCH, DAAPresidentPeradeniya Medical School Alumni AssociationConsultant Paediatrician and Professor in PaediatricsFaculty of Medicine, University of Peradeniya, Sri LankaE mail;, +94 777421836

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